Hi all,
Because time restraints due to work and show rehearsals finding time to do challenges has been...well...challenging. After discussing it with Ms G. we came up with a solution - I need smaller challenges that I can do in an hour or two. Probably best to start off small as well. So before I knew it more challenges have been put on the table. And here they are:
5. Design and make a desk sign with Ms G.'s name on. Potato printing is preferable. To be completed by 13th December.
6. Design and make Ms G. a Christmas card with potato printing. I can make more than one and give them out. To be completed by 13th December.
Spot the theme... :-)
I had a text from the wonderful Ms F. this week who suggested I went to life drawing classes with her. Unfortunately, they are at the same time I am in rehearsal so it was decided I would postpone this till after the show is finished. So probably the New Year. I did meet up with her afterwards though and lo I did come away with 2 more challenges.
7. Attend a life drawing class with Ms F. To be completed by the New Year.
8. Sing at an open mic night by the end of 2011. I can choose which open mic night I go to and Ms. F must be in attendance. I've been thinking about doing this for a while so this gives me the perfect excuse. I already have a couple of songs in mind.
Right, can't stay here writing all night, I've got some potato printing to do!
I'll let you know how I got on tomorrow.
EmJay x
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